Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Office / Guest Room Furniture Plan

Now that most of the hard work is complete in the office/guest room I can move on to the fun part - decorating! I pulled together a mood board with all of the furniture I plan to bring into the space. We already have the bookshelf, futon (the white cover is new), and dresser but the rest of the pieces are brand spanking new.
office guest room furniture plan
6 - lamp 7 - pouf 8 - chair 9 - rug 10 - dresser 11 - cabinet 12 - desk

I like it a lot though it is feeling a little too slick and Ikea (since that's where the majority of the furniture is coming from) so I need to bring in some accessories and art work that are a little rough around the edges to make it more homey and inviting. I will keep you updated on the progress. Can't wait to show you the final result!

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1 comment:

  1. I thihnk that rug willl totally keep it from feeling too ikea! Can't wait to see it finished!

