Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm Back in the Classroom

I can't believe I'm showing you this, I must really like you guys. I signed up for drawing classes at the local adult school with a few of my girlfriends so for the next nine weeks that is how I will be spending my Monday evenings.

Technical Drawing Class

You're getting a glimpse of what we worked on during the first class, it's a bit embarrassing. 2-D line drawings are no problem for me but when that third dimension enters the picture I'm totally lost. Lucky for me that is what this class is all about. You can ignore the sketch in the bottom right corner of paper. The teacher and I got into a discussion about perspective drawing for interior design. She highly recommend I take the perspective course The School at Parsons offers and I'm excited about it. Unfortunately I missed this Spring semester but at least it gives me time to save up for Fall.

Class doesn't end until 9:30 - 10pm so I have feeling posting might be light on Tuesdays while I'm taking this course. I just wanted to give you a heads up in cause you're wondering where I've gone to. I'm going to do my best to write several posts on Sunday evening but if you don't hear from me on Tuesdays it's because I'm busy sketching away.


  1. How fun! I want to do something like that here in Chicago! Keep us posted on what you're learning.


  2. That is wonderful! I am so happy you're getting back into your art. I think it's important for adults to keep learning. Who says classes have to end with a college degree!

  3. I always wanted to take drawing classes but was too chicken to try it! I was afraid the professor would laugh me right out of the classroom! I am contemplating taking some courses when we get to DK. Maybe they will be so focused on how bad my Danish is that they won't notice how bad my drawings are! LOL!

  4. jealous! i need to go do that to brush up!

  5. How fun! I love art classes more than just about anything. You'll have to share your progress with us. :)

  6. best thing i ever did (professionally speaking) was take a design sketching class. have fun with it!

  7. Have fun! I love taking creative classes at this time of year - really gets me energized and out of cabin fever mode.

  8. How fun, Michelle. I was thinking about taking an art class but did not consider drawing. Do you recommend the school?

